
Hartmanns is among the top 3 biggest HR consultancies companies in Denmark.
We collaborate with more than 6,000 Danish and international organizations. We offer specialist competences within several areas including Search & Selection, Outplacement, flexible workforce and construction.

In “Hartmanns Construction” we offer Danish and foreign companies options within:

  • Temporary workers
  • Project employees
  • Teams of staffing options and staffing projects
  • Payrolling solutions
  • Recruitment of engineers, project leaders, construction managers and foremen etc. etc.
  • …and much more

During the last 25 years we have helped both Danish and international construction and industrial companies with finding suitable employees for short- and long-term projects, and with much more.

We are specialist in every field within HR, which gives us a broader perspective. In today’s labour market it does not make sense to talk about hiring without talking about retention and development. We must include attraction and employer branding when we advise on dismissal topics. Through our broad perspective we are very capable of advising on workforce planning on a strategic level that always include both permanent at flexible positions.

Hartmanns is a member of the as the Danish Construction Association (Dansk Byggeri) as well as Confederation of Danish Industry (Dansk Industri), and Danish Business Association (Dansk Erhverv). By following all rules in terms of working hours, wages, social costs and other benefits, we provide security for your company and employees as all current labour legislations are obeyed. We have entered into collective agreements for all respective branches, and with all relevant trade unions.